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地 址:Jin Jiang Road, Tanggu District, Tianjin City, national marine hi tech park, No. 1999
Tel   :13911190592
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This is hereby to declare: 
Tianjing Tanggu TWT Valve Co., Ltd., as the legal owner for the name, trademark and brand of “TWT”, since established in 1956, with TWT Brand, has always been enjoying distinguished reputation in the Industry in good quality, excellent service and advance technology. 
Considering that recently some behaviors on the market of confusing TWT company name, infringement of TWT trademark as well as some companies counterfeiting TWT products, our company hereby states and declares: our company is the only legal owner of “TWT” trademark and brand. Tianjing Tanggu Watts Valve Co., Ltd., is the official name of our company, our company has never authorized any other company or enterprise to use the name, has never set up any branch company or office in the other areas, and has never cooperated with any other companies or enterprises to use the trademark, brand and know-how of our company.     
In order to safeguard the rights and interests of our company and all clients, fight against fake and inferior products, our company, since this Statement on the day, will keep records for each contractual project and agent. From June, 2009, all clients signing contracts with our company can check performance of contract, including the details of contract list and delivery period, etc. from “TWT” official website (WWW. TWTVALVE.COM ). If any doubts, clients can call our company for consultation. Any person and enterprise that have provided or reported fake and inferior products, should this be found to be true after examination, will receive awards from our company. 
Our company hereby reiterates: “TWT” brand, trademark, patent and copyright all are the property of Tianjing Tanggu TWT Valve Co., Ltd.,. If any infringement is found, any infringer will be prosecuted for his economic and legal liabilities without exception.  
Tianjing Tanggu TWT Valve Co., Ltd.

TEL: 13911190592   FAX:   E-maill: twtchina@hotmail.com   地址:Jin Jiang Road, Tanggu District, Tianjin City, national marine hi tech park, No. 1999
copyright © 2007 Beijing Yuanzhen Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd ALL Rights Reserved   ICP备案编号:京ICP备2024046216号-1